Shanghai Qiaojimeng Technology Co., Ltd. User Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy explains how your personal data is collected, used and shared


The privacy policy of Shanghai Qiaojimeng Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "we") will be released and become effective on June 1, 2023. From that date, this privacy policy can provide privacy details about how we manage the personal information you disclose when you use the " NOTTY Smart Pet" App and all " NOTTY Smart Pet" App connected devices and services. When you interact with our products, please be sure to read this Privacy Policy carefully and understand our purpose and security measures for collecting and processing your personal data, including how we use, store, share and transfer personal data. In this policy, you can implement your privacy rights, access rights, deletion rights, etc. to your personal data through our instructions. 

When you agree to this Privacy Policy or start and continue to use our products or services in an appropriate manner, and do not contact us to express contrary opinions through appropriate means, we will be deemed to have fully understood and agreed to the terms described in this Privacy Policy All Terms, including any changes we make periodically. In addition, to comply with relevant laws and regulations, such as the " Illegal App Collection and Use of Personal Information Behavior Identification Method", we promise to comply with applicable laws to protect the privacy, confidentiality, and security of your personal information. At the same time, we are committed to ensuring that all our employees fulfill these obligations. During the reading process, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or complaints, please contact us through the following contact information: 

What is personal data?

In this privacy policy, "personal data" refers to all information and data about a specific individual or combined with other information about that person that "NOTTY Smart Pet" can access, all that can directly or indirectly identify that person data. Such personal information data includes, but is not limited to, information and device information provided or uploaded by you. We also collect personal sensitive information, including personal biometric data, communication records and content, health information, and precise location information. When we provide you with specific products or services that involve the collection of sensitive personal data, we will obtain your consent through a prominent and clear notice before collecting your sensitive personal data.

What data will we collect?

To provide you with our services, we will ask you to provide personal information necessary to provide you with services. If you do not consent to provide us with your personal information, we may not be able to provide our products or services to you.  We will abide by relevant laws and regulations and collect the following information from you:

1.  Information you provide to us or upload: Personal Profile of the "NOTTY Smart Pet" App (such as your security-related information, name, birthday, gender, region, hereinafter referred to as " NOTTY Smart Pet Account "), the information you may access to NOTTY Information or data synchronized by devices on the Platform, accounts created on the NOTTY Smart Pet Platform and related setting information, as well as devices you add or messages, feedback, etc. 

2.  Email: In order to improve system security when you use our products and/or services, more accurately prevent phishing website fraud and protect account security, we will also verify through email verification and secondary verification (if necessary) your identity. To this end, we need to collect your email verification code and secondary verification code.

3.  Information about the handheld terminal (such as your phone) or SIM card: We may collect information related to your handheld terminal , such as SDK/API/JS code version, browser, Internet service provider, application identifier, application version, application distribution channel, independent device identifier, iOS advertising identifier (IDFA) , Android advertiser identifier, MAC address, DID , firmware version, international mobile equipment identity ( IMEI ), device model, terminal manufacturer, terminal Device operating system version, session start / stop time, language location, time zone, and network status (WiFi etc.), etc. 

4.  Location information (applicable only to specific services / functions): various types of information related to your location, such as area and country codes, city codes, mobile network codes, mobile device country codes, cell identification codes, area names, latitude and longitude information, time zone settings and language settings. 

5.  Login information: information related to your use of certain functions, mobile applications, and websites, such as cookies and other anonymous identifier technologies, IP addresses, network request information, temporary message history, standard system logs and system crash information, etc. 

6.  Data recorded by the device: When you use NOTTY Smart Pet app to synchronize the data of related devices, we will record your pet's information, such as activity information, gender, age, weight, etc.

7.  Information recorded by the camera: You can use this function to scan the code after enabling the camera / camera permission to add the equipment you purchased, shoot videos and other functions. Please know that even if you have agreed to turn on the camera, we will only obtain information when you actively use the camera while scanning codes, taking pictures for your profile etc.

8.  Album information: You can use this function to upload your photos / pictures / videos after enabling access to photo albums, to realize functions such as changing profile image, reporting device usage problems and providing proof. When you use functions such as changing profile image, we will not identify this information; but when you report device usage problems, we will use the photos / pictures you upload to pinpoint your problem.

9.  Other information: environmental characteristic value (ECV) (the value generated by the NOTTY smart pet account, mobile phone ID, connected Wi-Fi account and location information)  .

10.  Account Credentials: Information about your account credentials, such as passwords, associated email addresses, etc.

11.Google account credentials:NOTTY smart pet will access, use, store or share your Google user data to provide related functions and services. We use this data only to the extent necessary to comply with the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and no more than necessary. The types of Google user data we may collect are:

Information that does not require consent

We may share anonymous information in aggregated form with third parties (such as advertisers on our website) for commercial purposes; we may share with them general usage trends of our services, such as when purchasing certain products or engaging in certain transactions. The number of customers in a particular demographic. 

For the avoidance of doubt, we may collect, use or disclose your personal information without your consent when and to the extent expressly permitted by law (such as to comply with a subpoena) and when we may in good faith believe that in order to protect our Disclosure of your information without your consent when disclosure is necessary to protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request.

How will we use your personal data?

1.  Create your " NOTTY Smart Pet " account: The personal information collected when creating an account through the webpage or our mobile device is used to establish the user's personal account and profile page. 

2.  Provide location-based services: When using the " NOTTY Smart Pet " app and smart devices connected to " NOTTY Smart Pet ", we may use location information to determine the time zone of the device to ensure accurate display of time on the device and login service area. And according to your choice, we will open the experience of corresponding equipment in advance for you. You can turn off this feature at any time by going to your device settings or by stopping using the app. 

3.  Device access: The device is operated through the app, and the authenticity of the device needs to be verified. Therefore, we will need to verify the legal identity of the device by verifying the factory MAC and DID information. In addition, when the device needs to be connected to the network, you need to configure the corresponding network settings for the device through the app. This process requires you to enter the corresponding Wi-Fi name and password. This information is only used for device network configuration. The Wi-Fi and password data you fill in will be encrypted and stored locally on the device and will not be uploaded to the server. You can enter the device at any time to delete the information. At the same time, we need to select the optimal networking method for the device by judging the IP and network signal to ensure the stability of the networking of the device.  

4.  Device status display: It allows you to remotely view the status of the equipment so that you can always check the operation of the equipment. 

5.  Set up automated tasks: The event information reported by your device (the information comes from the device you added, the specific configurable information depends on the scope of your privacy authorization for the device, each added device will provide the relevant terms of the device provider's privacy policy, and you can choose whether to agree), which can be used to create your own automated tasks.

6.  Push message service. The account number and IMEI number will also be used to provide notification services to send device notifications to users. You can turn off this feature at any time by changing your preferences under "Message Settings " ([My] – [settings] – [notifications]). 

Hereby we remind you that our push service tool is "Jpush” provided by Aurora Mobile (NASDAQ: JG).

6.1 Third-party SDK

To facilitate basic functions of the app, we will use SDK from third-party.

Huawei SDK: It is used for Huawei mobile phone users to receive App push messages. This SDK directly collects your Anonymous App ID (AAID) and user identifier HMS Core openId. Such information is necessary to realize the functions of this SDK.

OPPO SDK: For OPPO mobile phone users to receive App push messages, this SDK directly collects your device-related information (such as Serial Number, User ID, Android ID, Google Advertising ID, mobile phone Region settings, device model, mobile phone battery, mobile operating system version and language) ), application information using the push service (such as APP package name and version number, running status), push SDK version number, network-related information (such as IP or domain name connection result, current network type), message sending result, notification bar status ( Such as notification bar permissions, user click behavior), lock screen status (such as whether to lock the screen, whether to allow lock screen notifications), such information is necessary to realize the functions of the SDK.

VIVO SDK: It is used for VIVO mobile phone users to receive App push messages. This SDK directly collects your device type, device model, and operating system. Such information is necessary to realize the functions of this SDK.

Xiaomi SDK: Used for Xiaomi mobile phone users to receive App push messages, this SDK directly collects your OAID, encrypted Android ID, basic application information (including application package name, version number, and running status), device-related information (device manufacturer, device model, device Memory, operating system version, Mi Push SDK version, device attribution, SIM card operator name, current network type, notification bar setting information), such information is necessary to realize the function of the SDK.

6.2 Types of Personal Information that the SDK will collect:

Device information (IMEI/MAC/IDFA/OAID/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI information, etc.): used to identify unique users to ensure accurate delivery of message push; optimize push channel resources, integrate channel resources for message push, and improve message push Delivery rate; provide developers with smart labels and services to display business statistics;

Network information and location information (IP address, WiFi information, base station information and other related information): optimize the network connection request between the SDK and Jpush server to ensure the stability and continuity of the service; realize the function of regional push.

7.  Collect user feedback: The feedback you choose to provide is important in helping us improve our services. In order to track the feedback, you provide, we may use the personal information you provide to contact you and keep records. 

8.  Send notifications: From time to time, we may use your personal information to send important notifications, such as notifications about abnormal device operating conditions, push notifications for your customized devices (as required by your purchase of additional devices), our terms, conditions and policies change.  

Who will we share your information with?

We do not sell any personal information to third parties.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties (as defined below) in order to provide products or services you have requested. We will share personal data with suppliers or agents who serve us for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. For example, companies we cooperate with to provide data analysis services may need to collect and access personal data for data statistics and analysis. In such cases, these companies must comply with our data privacy and security requirements. 

The third-party service provider Shanghai Kinship Information Technology Co., Ltd. will provide algorithm services and technical support for this product. Based on the particularity of the service and support, we will share your personal data with the company in order to better optimize the service content.

In all cases described in this section, it is assured that we will only share your personal information according to your authorization. Your authorization to us will include various sub-processors that process your personal information. You should be aware that in any of the circumstances described herein, when we share your personal information with a third-party service provider, we will contractually dictate the third party's practices and obligations to comply with applicable local data protection laws. We also contractually ensure that third-party service providers adhere to the privacy standards applicable to them in your jurisdiction.

Purposes and legal basis for processing personal data

The purposes and legal basis for our processing of your information are as follows:

1.  To provide you with services: We process your account and personal profile data, device information, usage data, location information and smart device-related information to provide the products and services you request or purchase. The legal basis for such processing is the performance of our contract with you in accordance with our Terms of Use.

2.  Improve our services: We process your device information, usage data, location information, and smart device-related information to ensure the functionality and safety of our products, develop and improve our products and services, and analyze our operational efficiency, and to prevent and track fraudulent or inappropriate usage , the legal basis for such processing is performance of our contract with you in accordance with our Terms of Use .

3.  Non-Marketing Communications: We process your personal information for the purpose of sending you important information related to the Services, changes to terms / conditions and policies, and / or other administrative information. At the same time, we will also send you notifications related to your purchase of services. You can check the [Notification Settings] ([My] - [Settings] - [Notification Settings]) in the " NOTTY Smart Pet " App to manage whether you want to receive this kind of message communications. When you choose to close the push notification, we will no longer push such information to you. The legal basis for such processing is the performance of our contract with you in accordance with our Terms of Use.

4.  Data analysis: In order to analyze the use of the products we provide and improve your user experience, we will analyze the data you provide and report, check your problems in the process of using the products in a timely manner, and analyze the products related to you Or use scenes so that you can better enjoy the convenience brought by our products. The legal basis for such processing is based on your consent.

5.  Device message push service: In order for you to receive our product updates or other notifications in a more timely manner, we provide you with a device message push service. You can enter the privacy settings of the " NOTTY Smart Pet " App ([My] - [Settings] - [Notification Settings]) to turn off your selection. The legal basis for such processing is based on your consent.

6.  Third-party services: When you choose to use other third-party services in this product and service, the third party may read your relevant information, and your relevant information may also be transmitted to the third-party server. The legal basis for such processing is based on your consent.

We may also use and collect your personal information in other ways for which we will provide specific notices and obtain your consent as required by applicable law.

Our protection and commitment to your data

We will apply physical, managerial and technical safeguards to maintain the integrity and security of your personal data and your Google account user data. Measures to prevent unauthorized access, use or disclosure include: data encryption, access control and information security training, etc.

1.  All of your personal information will be stored on secure servers and protected in controlled facilities. We classify your data according to importance and sensitivity and guarantee the highest level of security for your personal information. We guarantee that employees and third-party service providers who access this information to help provide products and services to you have strict contractual confidentiality obligations, and if they fail to fulfill these obligations, they will be subject to disciplinary action or be terminated from cooperation. Likewise, we have specific access controls in place for cloud-based data storage. In summary, we regularly review information collection, storage and processing practices, including physical security measures, to prevent any unauthorized access and use.

2.  We will take all feasible steps to protect your personal information. However, you should be aware that the use of the Internet is not always safe. Due to technical limitations and possible malicious means, personal information security incidents may unfortunately occur due to uncertain factors beyond our control. If a security incident occurs, we will promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for you to prevent and reduce risks independently, and remedial measures, etc. At the same time, we will take corresponding measures against personal data security incidents, and notify the relevant regulatory agencies of the leakage phenomenon in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory agencies. We will take appropriate action in the event of a personal data breach, such as notifying the relevant supervisory authority of the breach or, in certain circumstances, notifying the data subject of the personal data breach in accordance with applicable laws (including your local data protection laws).

If for any reason you believe that your interaction with us is no longer safe (for example, you believe that the security of your NOTTY account has been compromised), please send an email to and let us know immediately .

Data Retention Policies

It is our consistent policy to protect user information and data . We will use various security technologies and procedures to store and protect user information to prevent unauthorized access, use, copying and disclosure. Except for the necessary purpose, we will not disclose user information to any third party, except in any of the following situations or for the purpose of providing you with better services: 

1.  Disclosure to the public based on national laws and regulations;

2.  Disclosure at the request of national judicial organs and other government agencies with legal authority based on legal procedures;

3.  Disclosed for the protection of " NOTTY Smart Pet " App or your legal rights;

4.  In an emergency, to protect the personal safety of other users or third parties;

5.  The user or his guardian authorizes disclosure to a third party;

6.  Disclosure to the user's guardian at the legal request of the user.

Even if we disclose user information to third parties in accordance with the preceding paragraph, we will require third parties receiving the above user information to use and protect user information in strict accordance with national laws and regulations.

Your rights

1.  Turn on or off the location access function; 

2.  Log in, log out, and log out of the "NOTTY Smart Pet " account; 

3.  Access, query, update, correct, eliminate or limit the processing of your personal information;

If you have previously agreed to our use of your personal information for the above purposes, you can access, query, update, correct, eliminate or limit the processing of your personal information at any time. When you update your personal information, we will respond to your request within the time specified by applicable data protection laws. 

4.  Withdrawal of consent: You may contact us to submit a request to withdraw your consent to the collection, use and / or disclosure of your personal information in our possession or control. We will process your request within a reasonable time after you make it, and will not collect, use and / or disclose your personal information thereafter according to your request. Please be aware that your withdrawal of consent can result in certain legal consequences. Depending on the scope of your withdrawal of consent to allow us to process your personal information, this may mean that you cannot enjoy the products and services of " NOTTY Smart Pet " . 

5.  Cancel account: You can delete your " NOTTY Smart Pet " account in [My] - [Settings] - [Delete Account]. Before you cancel your account, we will verify your account information. You know and understand that the act of canceling your account is an irreversible act. After you delete your account, we will delete your personal information, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations. 

Access other features on your device

Our app may have access to certain features on your device, such as Wi-Fi network status. This information is used to allow these applications to run on your device and allow you to interact with them. At any time, you can revoke the consent by closing the application at the device level.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

1.  If we decide to change the privacy policy, we will publish these changes in this policy, in " NOTTY Smart Pet" App and where we think it is appropriate, so that you can understand how we collect and use your personal information, and who can access it information, and under what circumstances we may disclose such information.

2.  We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time, so please check it frequently. If there are major changes to this policy, we will notify you through the App notification.

3.  Disclose your personal information, such as contact information or postal address. Please properly protect your personal information and only provide it to others when necessary. If you find that your personal information is leaked, especially if the " NOTTY Smart Pet" user name and password are leaked, please contact the " NOTTY Smart Pet" App customer service immediately so that we can take corresponding measures.

Contact us

If you have any comments or questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you have any questions about the use or disclosure of your personal information by " NOTTY Smart Pet" , please contact us via email: .


Thank you for taking the time to read our Privacy Policy!